

Manténte informado de las publicaciones más recientes sobre el proyecto Food4InMut, reemplazo de nutrientes críticos por coproductos de chía y/o quinoa en la formulación de alimentos a base de cereales para mejorar la salud inmunonutricional


Enrichment of Wholemeal Rye Bread with Plant Sterols: Rheological Analysis, Optimization of the Production, Nutritional Profile and Starch Digestibility


Effect of Germination on the Nutritional Properties, Phytic Acid Content, and Phytase Activity of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)


Effect of Acid-Extrusion Cooking on Some Properties of Quinoa Starch

According to the FAO, the economic potential of quinoa relies on the extraction and processing of its by-products. 


Substitution of Critical Ingredients of Cookie Products to Increase Nutritional Value

In accordance with the current technological advances in the bakery industry, to increase the…


Immunonutritional Benefits of Chenopodium quinoa’s Ingredients Preventing Obesity-Derived Metabolic Imbalances

Over 1.6 billion people (aged 15 years and above) worldwide are currently either…


Effect of Different Black Quinoa Fractions (Seed, Flour and Wet-Milling Coproducts) upon Quality of Meat Patties during Freezing Storage


Nutrient Composition of Fresh Pasta Enriched with Chia (Salvia hispanica L.)

Pasta is traditionally made from durum wheat semolina, but this can be substituted with other flour or semolina types and past..


Nutritional Characterization of Ancestral Organic Wheats: Emmer, Khorasan and Spelt

Nowadays, consumers show a growing interest in the consumption of foods made with ….


Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology

Beyond classic concepts in thyroid homeostasis: Immune system and microbiota

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

Physicochemical and functional properties of soluble fiber extracted from two phenotypes of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seeds


Studying the Impact of Different Field Environmental Conditions on Seed Quality of Quinoa:

The Case of Three Different Years Changing Seed Nutritional Traits in Southern Europe


Changes in the Polyphenolic Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Wheat Bread after Incorporating Quinoa Flour


Combined Effect of Chia, Quinoa and Amaranth Incorporation on the Physico-Chemical, Nutritional and Functional Quality of Fresh Bread


Effect of Different Black Quinoa Fractions (Seed, Flour and Wet-Milling Coproducts) upon Quality of Meat Patties during Freezing Storage


Immunonutritional Protease Inhibitors from T. durum and A. sativa Display Metabolic Similarities When Assayed on Human Macrophage-like Cells


Immunonutritional Bioactives from Chenopodium quinoa and Salvia hispanica L. Flour Positively Modulate Insulin Resistance and Preserve Alterations in Peripheral Myeloid Population


Chenopodium quinoa to Modulate Innate Myeloid Cells in the Induction of Obesity



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